Friday, July 10, 2015



One of the primary reason why REST is simple to use is because REST uses HTTP as not just transport layer but as an API.

HTTP as an API

Http Methods

Any REST services can be accessed only by well-known HTTP methods
          GET   -        Retrieve
          POST -        CREATE
          PUT    -        Update
          DELETE -     Delete

You might argue the SOAP allows to have developer defined methods, whereas here it is limited to these methods. DB has only these operations but still able to meet their expectations, REST will so.

Http Errors

REST client knows about the status of their request from the traditional Http status code 
          100 - 199  - Information
          200 – 299 - Success
          300 – 399 - Redirection
          400 – 499 - Client Side Error
          500 – 599 - Server Error

Few of the most commonly seen codes:
          200 – OK
          400 – Bad request
          405 – Method not allowed
          500 – Internal Server Error 

A Recap - Http Servlet:

When we speak about Http methods, the first thing comes to our mind is Http Servlet where we override doGet & doPost methods. However we use these methods interchangeably but in REST it is advisable to use the appropriate method. Since Http servlet is built for http methods it is always the easiest choice to implement REST service.

REST – Representation State Transfer

The Heart of REST is “Resource”, which resides in the server whose state is transferred from client to server and vice-versa.


Each resource is unique in an application
   Can be identified by URI (uniform resource identifier)
   Can be accessed via Http Methods [GET, POST…]


A temporal state of the Resource at the time of the request, it can be of any format
     Or any other thing which comes in future   
The page you are viewing now is the current state of the article represented in html format transferred from server [] to the client [your browser].
How is web application different from REST service? Any stateless [does not require user session], Independent web page can be said as REST implementation. Here it is represented in text/html format.

Guidelines to implement REST service

    1.   Identify Resources
    2.   Decide the Representation [xml, json, etc]
    3.   Define URI for the resources
    4. At last, lets worry about the implementation technology & frameworks  

Jersey [JAX-RS] reference implementation

Jersey [a JAX-RS implementation framework] is one of the most commonly used REST framework. 

Jersey Annotations


@Path –
a.    Declared at the class level to indicate the class [pojo] is a Resource which can identified by this URI
b.    Declared at Method level to indicate the relate path with in the Resource URI

Http Methods:


URI Variables:


This is used together with @Path & in conjunction with @GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE
Variables in the URI can be read as PathParam in to method

Input & Output Formats


Applicable for @POST & @PUT

The input format the methods support i.e, “application/xml” here. The client will be setting the header “Content-Type” as “application/xml”   


This works with @GET, @POST & @PUT

The client sends HTTP Request together with an Accept Http header that map directly to the content-type the method provider.

Form Param

This allows http form to be submitted to service

Exercise – Built a simple REST service & client using jersey 2

Resource:     Book
Representation: JASON
URI: /book/{bookName}
Fwk: Jersey 2

Rest Service

     1.   Built a simple webapp maven project

    2.   Import the  maven project into your workspace
    3. Add Jersey dependencies in project pom.xml

   4.  Create a simple Book Resource
            Here the java-jason conversion is handled by Jackson framework.

    5.   Configure rest servlet container in web.xml

    6.   Deploy the app to any j2ee container

You can choose your choice of app server.Jetty is a light weight server which I have used for testing this rest service.

Version: jetty-distribution-8.1.0.RC5

Copy the project war to jetty webapp and start the server
java –jar start.jar

     7.   Test the service using chrome advance rest client app
   Method : GET

Upon submitting the request, you should get the below Jason response


Rest java Client

    1.   Built a simple java maven project

   2. Import the  maven project into your workspace
   3. Add Jersey client dependencies 

  4. Create client

  Here the JacksonFeature will transform the jason to java bean. 

However I had few version issues which I couldn’t resolve, hence I had to use Jackson ObjectMapper to convert Jason to java manually i.e., something similar to below

String content = target.request().get(String.class);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Book response = mapper.readValue(content, Book.class);

I hope you would have got some good understanding on REST & JAX-RS/Jackson framework.  

Thank you. Hopefully I'll meet you again in my next article :)

Friday, May 8, 2015

Focus SOAP

SOAP, Payload, RPC, WS, JAXB, SOAP 11, 12, what are all these? How are these used in webservice?  Do you have these question in your mind as well?

I recently read a wonderful book titled "Java Webservices Up & Running" by "Martin Kalin" which explains the internal working of SOAP in detail. I thought of sharing my learning in my own words.

What is SOAP?


In any client/server architecture data needs to be passed in some form. Here it is an xml which is nothing about SOAP.

                                           Components of SOAP Message 

SOAP - An Infrastructure [Transport Neutral]

SOAP can be transported through SMTP, MQ, etc. However HTTP remains most popular SOAP transport protocol.

SOAP - A Contract [WSDL]
SOAP provides a contract/agreement in the form of WSDL [webservice description language], where the service, operations, transport, location, etc are described.

In order to implement a working SOAP model you might be assuming that we have to be well versed with Networking, XML [Service call, XML construction/Parsing, etc]  but that is not the case as there are utilities [available in almost all languages] which makes things simpler. 

Java Support for Webservice - [JaxWS]:

Starting Java 1.5 comes bundled with JAX-WS, which provides utility to generate stub, request, response & dependent class from the wsdl, service.  First version of JAX-WS was called JAX-RPC, whose support is limited to RPC style.

Two styles of SOAP Web services:

RPC [Remote Procedure call] - It supports only simple types like String, Integer, etc.

Document - Can support Complex types. The WSDL type section defines the schema of complex types. By default the style is Document.

RPC Style
Server Side Implementation:

1. Service 

Note: The style is explicitly declared as RPC

2. Publish the Service

In general the service are deployed to J2EE server like tomcat, but to keep things simple the above service will be published in a standalone mode [using Endpoint]


Up on execution java EndpointPublisher, the service starts and the WSDL can be viewed upon hitting the url http://localhost:9090/calc?wsdl

Takeaway sections from WSDL

types          Defines all complex types involved in the service.
                    Here it will be empty, as RPC is meant for simple types

portType    Defines the service signature, equivalent to java interface
                    i.e., method [operation] name, arguments [input] & return [output]

binding      Can be considered as implementation of above interface [portType]. 
                    This also declares transport,  soap style.  Here the transport – http, & style is RPC

service       Holds the URL where service is available

Client side Implementation:

1. Generate client classes from WSDL

WS import utility will generate required client classes from WSDL. Earlier this utility was called as WSDL-to-Java, now it is renamed to wsimport.

    wsimport -p rpcclient -keep http://localhost:9090/calc?wsdl

p    -     package [files will be generated under this package]
keep -  Retain the Source code of client class

This generates the required stub under rpcclient folder 

2. Client

Where CalcServiceService & CalcService are the wsimport generated classes. The service.getCalcServicePort() returns port [ie.,interface] from which we can make the necessary operation

Upon executing the client, Java CalcClient
Result:                                    output 75.0

Here we deal only with Java objects, however behind the screen it’s all SOAP xml. Jax-Ws takes care of binding java & xml using JAXB [Java API for XML Binding].

Below is the SOAP Request/Response of the above service/client captured using tcpmon. The soap webservice can be invoked directly with soap request with any soap supported tool like soap ui, etc.

Document Style

Server Side Implementation:

1. Service - Remove Style from Service [By default the style is document] 

2. Wsgen utility generates the java types required by publisher to generate WSDL [can be ignored in ede's like eclipse]
       wsgen -cp . learning.websrvc.soap.service.doc.calc.CalcService

3. Publish the DOC service [same like RPC]

4. WSDL View 

Up on execution java EndpointPublisher, the service starts and the WSDL can be viewed upon hitting the url http://localhost:9090/calc?wsdl

One of the key difference between RPC & DOC wsdl is the type section
Here it defines all complex types involved. The complex types can be directly embedded in wsdl or the schema can be imported in to the type section.  

Client Side Implementation: [The same as RPC]

1. Generate client classes from wsdl 
        wsimport -p docclient -keep http://localhost:9090/calc?wsdl

2. Client

Document style is not limited to simple types, this can support complex types as well. WSDL type section holds all complex types involved in service. 

Here Document client looks similar to RPC style i.e., parameterized invocation. This type of client is called Wrapped Client - where the req/response is wrapped to look like parameterized call. There is another type called UnWrapped/BARE client – where the request/response are exposed as it is as single object. These two types differs only on the client side, the soap req/resp does not have any change nor the server side. Wrapped is by default and is commonly used.

UnWrapped/Bare Client
1. Explicitly declare the Wrapper False, in a file name "custombinding.xml", and pass this to wsimport
    wsimport -p rpcclient -keep http://localhost:9090/calc?wsdl –b custombinding.xml

2. Client

Here you can see, the request & response is exposed as it is in SOAP in to a single object Add & AddResponse respectively.


Just like filters in servlet we have handlers in SOAP, which can intercept request, response at both client & service side. Handlers are classified into two types 

1. SOAP Hander -     Has access to SOAP Envelope [Header + Body]
2. Logical Handler - Has access only to the payload [Body]

Handler chain can be configured in the order it needs to get invoked on every in/out. I have seen usecase where the authentication, logging are done at the handlers level. Incase of any failure the handlers can throw Exception [An exception class with getFaultMessage() ]

There are more to it. But I will wrap up here. I believe this will be useful piece of info for you as well. Please don’t forget to leave your feedback, suggestion, improvement comments. 

Thank you!